Keeping Alpacas
With some of your choices made what do you need to keep alpacas? Here's a basic list.
Land - rented or owned but you need 1 acre to keep 4-6 alpacas.
The amount that you can keep depends on the quality
of the grass. In the growing season, 4 will probably not
keep the grass down but you are stocking for the winter.
Shelter - it is recommended that alpacas are given access to a
shelter at all times. They dislike driving rain especially.
Water - seems obvious but alpacas are particular when it comes
to water. We believe that it comes from generations of
drinking snow melt. The rule is " if you wouldn't drink it
then neither will they".
Feed - this depends very much on what you want the alpacas for.
But, they need ad lib access to good quality hay and
some additional hard feed. Any breeder will advise you
as to what they use and the quantities.
More - alpacas are herd animals and the minimum number should
be 3.
This lowers stress and allows each adequate grazing time.